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Introduction and general characteristics

Introduction and general characteristics

Our courses: organization, updating and high professional level

Our professional courses in Italian cuisine and pastry are addressed to aspiring professionals in the restaurant sector, but also to professionals who want to specialize or enhance their skills: our Academy offers the opportunity to work alongside high-level chefs and pastry chefs through practical and theoretical lessons, providing in-depth knowledge of the topics.

Upon completing our courses, there will be the opportunity to enter the working world with solid skills: our courses are tailored to meet current and updated market needs in the restaurant and pastry industry. Our courses aim to form qualified professionals capable of responding to market demands with awareness and expertise.

It’s not a coincidence that IFSE’s students employment rate exceeds the 90% within 5 months of course completion!

IFSE’s educational offer is complete and varied, with training paths that are designed to respond to individual needs.

With our courses, you will gain:

  • IFSE Certificate with international validity
  • HACCP certificate

Enter the excellence of Italian cuisine and confectionery

Superior Course in Haute Italian Cuisine

Pastry Sciences and Technologies Course

Specialization course in Italian Cuisine for international students